3:15 - Upstream Opportunities - A listening approach to early public engagement in DRBC climate resilience planning Kristen Bowman Kavanagh; Sarah Beganskas, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Koniers Brown; Avery Lentini; Chris McCann; Kevin Pregent 3:30 - Northeast Rising: Implementing Climate Resilience through Community Building on the Brandywine River in Downtown Wilmington, Delaware Karen Igou; Gerald Joseph McAdams Kauffman 3:45 - City of Wilmington Urban Pollinator Corridor and Food Resilience Project: A Community Approach to Conservation and Sustainability at the Neighborhood Level Kerry Wilson; Michele Wales; Tannicka Johnson 4:00 - Breaking Down Barriers: Making the Outdoors More Accessible in the Delaware River Watershed Michelle Barakat 4:15 - Q&A